Winter Upkeep Tips For Turf

Winter Upkeep Tips For Turf

When it comes to having artificial lawns and turf on your property, they give you the satisfaction of a great looking lawn without the hassle of maintaining it throughout the year. While turf usually comes with little to no maintenance in order to preserve it, there does need to be some precautions when it comes to the winter months. As we all know, New England winters can be unpredictable but most notably harsh with the amounts of precipitation and heavy winds we get. With this knowledge, it is good to know a few tips to make sure your turf is not compromised from these conditions. Below are five tasks you should periodically do to your turf lawn to ensure your lawn is looking its best once the winter months conclude.


5 Upkeeping Tips For Turf During The Winter


Check The Nails

When it comes to artificial lawns there are several ways you can secure them to your property, and one option is with nails. With the changing of the seasons and the harshness that usually comes with New England winters, you should check to see your lawn is firmly secure. If you notice any areas where the nails have been uprooted, make sure to add nails or reaffix as needed.


Clear Debris

When the seasons change from fall to winter there are usually large amounts of leaves and debris all over the place. While these don’t have a big negative impact on your turf lawn, it is good to ensure there are no debris that over time could harm your artificial grass. If you are using a rake, be sure to do so lightly as the rake can pull up the fibers of your lawn and leave you with bald spots.


Tread Carefully

While turf offers a great solution for athletic performance and usually can withstand all kinds of weather conditions there are some things about winter to be cautious about. With the freezing cold temperatures that come with winter, the fibers in the turf could become brittle or slippery. If you plan on walking on your lawn, just be sure to do so with caution as it could be like walking on a sheet of ice depending on the amount of snowfall there is and how cold it gets in your area.


Allow Snow To Melt Naturally

The great thing about artificial lawns is that no matter what month it is you will have a luscious green yard that won’t be affected by snow. If you get small amounts of snow then you can let the snow melt naturally as there will be no damage to the turf. If you wish to melt the snow quickly you can apply warm water to the snow and even add snowmelt. The only thing to be wary with while using the melt is that the salt residue can build up in the sub-base and interfere with the draining effect of your turf lawn.


Shovel With Caution

If you know your area gets large amounts of snow that would make melting naturally prolonged then you can consider shoveling the snow off the turf, but do so carefully. When shoveling, be sure to use a plastic shovel and stay a minimum of four inches from the grass itself. If you use a metal shovel and dig deep, you can easily damage the turf fibers which will shorten the lifespan of your lawn.


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